dental implant

Affordable Dental Implants in Palmdale CA

Dental implants have been in use now for several decades since they were invented in 1952. In fact, many dental professionals consider them as the standard of care for tooth replacement. Though their placement involves a surgical procedure, the treatment has become largely affordable so that patients can enjoy the many benefits of dental implants, …

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dental crowns

Types of Dental Crowns in Palmdale CA

Dental crowns or caps are a common dental prosthesis used to restore decayed, damaged, or missing teeth. When repairing a tooth with dental crowns, the dentist has to first file down the decayed or damaged tooth structure so it can accommodate the dental crown without it being over size as this could affect your bite. …

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Welcome to Your Dentist in Palmdale

Experience makes the difference! In total, the staff at Ted Y. T. Fang, DDS has of over 100 years of combined dental knowledge and experience. Our team is special because we are a close-knit group that act more like family members than fellow employees. We all see each other as equals, and go out of …

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