Best Candidate for Dental Implants | Palmdale CA

Dental implants refer to a biocompatible fixture that is surgically placed into the jawbone underneath an area with missing teeth, so it can fuse with the bone to provide a strong and sturdy artificial tooth root that can support the replacement tooth. Your dentist may recommend dental implant placement for a replacement tooth in order …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns – Your First Visit | Palmdale CA

Dental crowns can be fabricated from different materials that include porcelain, composite, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and different types of metals and alloys. Each type of crown has its unique pros and cons, so your dentist will help you choose the most appropriate one for your case depending on the strength requirements and aesthetic concerns of the tooth …

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dental implant

Dental Implants – An Overview | Palmdale CA

What is a bone graft? If the implant site has signs of bone loss after tooth extraction, your dentist may place a cadaver or synthetic bone at the site in order to build up the bone tissue and achieve a solid base to support the implant. This process is referred to as alveolar bone grafting, …

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Am I Candidate for Dental Crowns? Palmdale CA

A crown is a cap that is bonded to a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its strength, function, and beauty. It can be fabricated from metals such as gold, silver, and alloys, as well as tooth-colored materials such as porcelain and composite. The most appropriate choice for your case depends on the location of …

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dental implant

Affordable Dental Implants Near Me, Palmdale CA

Dental implants are now the preferred option for replacing missing teeth because they use a conservative technique that doesn’t damage surrounding healthy teeth, like bridgework, and provides predictable results. However, getting a single dental implant carnage in prices depending on a variety of factors, including:  The position of the implant site in the mouth The …

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dental crowns

Natural Looking Dental Crowns | Palmdale CA

A dental crown refers to a cap that is bonded over the entire surface of a damaged tooth to encapsulate the portion of the tooth above the gums. It can be used to repair different types of tooth damage including cracked teeth, large cavities, discoloration, and misshapen teeth. They can also be used alongside other …

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dental implant

Do I Need Dental Implants? Palmdale CA

If you’re looking to restore the normal function and aesthetics of your mouth after losing some teeth, your dentist may recommend that you get a dental implant to replace one tooth or to support bridgework or dentures when replacing multiple teeth. A dental implant refers to a biocompatible fixture that is surgically placed into the …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns – Procedure Overview | Palmdale CA

Crowns are designed to cover the entire portion of your tooth above the gum line in order to strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and to improve its appearance. Following a dental emergency or routine examination, your dentist may recommend that you get a dental crown for any of the following reasons: A fractured …

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dental implant

Dental Implants FAQs in Palmdale CA

What happens during dental implant consultation? During your consultation, the dentist will physically examine the gap in your mouth where you’re planning to get a dental implant placed, and also capture the necessary dental imaging including X-rays, CT scans, and/or panoramic films. These assessments check the quality and quantity of jawbone, and may influence whether …

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dental crowns

Do I Need Dental Crowns? Palmdale CA

In dentistry, a crown refers to the surface area of the portion of the tooth above the gum line that is covered by enamel. In the event that this layer gets damaged due to decay, chips, fractures, or deep stains, your dentist may recommend that you get an artificial dental crown to fix the problem.  …

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